The Deadly Sins
March 8, 2002
Sins of Omission: After the instant of recognition, there is no innocent bystander.
Fail to object.
Fail to believe all human beings are biologically the same.
Fail to understand all human beings are capable of all acts.
Fail to cooperate and share.
Fail to acknowledge your government acts contrary to humanity’s interests.
Fail to look and listen.
Sins of Commission: We are all connected, past present and future.
Wage war.
Injure other living creatures and systems.
Believe that God, or other deities, notices you.
Die with money in the bank.
Pretend a particular other human being does not exist.
Scorn popular culture, heroes and ideas.
Scorn the intelligence of other people.
Assert that your opinions are self-evident truths.
Divide people into the good and the evil, us and them.